As Hari Raya approaches, we’re working hard to ensure that all your orders reach you in time for the celebrations. To help make this festive season as smooth and joyful as possible for everyone, please take note of the following important dates regarding your orders:

Guaranteed Delivery Cut-off Date: Please place your orders by 3rd April to ensure guaranteed delivery before Hari Raya. While we will make every effort to process orders placed after this date, we cannot guarantee that they will arrive before the festivities.

Last Day for Shipping: Our final day for shipping out items will be on 7th April. Orders placed close to this date may be subject to delays, especially due to the high volume of shipments during this festive period.

Operations Resume: We will continue our operations and start shipping out orders again on 14th April, following the Hari Raya celebrations.

We encourage you to place your orders early to avoid any disappointment. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that your Hari Raya preparations are as seamless as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and for choosing us for your Hari Raya needs. We wish you and your loved ones a blessed and joyful celebration.

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